Appearing in SearchERP article by Linda Rosencrance: 5. Boost track and trace With blockchain there’s an “immutable record” of all the transactions and all the loads…
By 프페웨 한편, 프리페이웨이는 작년 4월에 개최되었던 런던 블록체인 엑스포를 취재한 포브스 매거진의 Jason Bloomberg의 기사에 소개되었다. 그는 프리페이웨이가 탈중앙화의 요소와 중앙 집중식 사업 운영…
Last week, Kadena founder Stuart Popejoy questioned whether the IBM HyperLedger Fabric blockchain was a ‘real’ blockchain in this article on Cointelegraph. His argument has…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Hyperledger is the most popular open source permissioned blockchain platform on the market today. IBM has largely driven Hyperledger development…
By The Technology Headlines To understand the true power of disruption that streaming media leaders like Netflix have brought to their respective markets, you need…
To understand the true power of disruption that streaming media leaders like Netflix have brought to their respective markets, you need to follow the money.…
An icebreaker is a specialized ship that uses its momentum to move through the frozen surface of a body of water. But counterintuitively, its bow…
Are you skeptical about blockchain? I’m not surprised. For a technology that got its start as the infrastructure that underlay the bitcoin cryptocurrency and then…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief If you’re a mid-sized firm and want to issue securities for fund-raising purposes, going public via an IPO will likely…
While many companies attempt to tout their artificial intelligence (AI) and hybrid cloud capabilities for running software workloads in containers on public and private infrastructure,…