BrainBlog for Loft Labs by Jason Bloomberg Multitenancy has long been a core capability of cloud computing, and indeed, for virtualization in general. With multitenancy,…
White paper for Fairwinds by Jason Bloomberg Is it too much to ask for a world where security takes care of itself, compliance is a…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief CIQ offers a high-performance hybrid multi-cloud clustering technology that follows cloud native principles while offering better performance than Kubernetes can…
French translation of a SiliconANGLE Article by Jason English L’écosystème natif du cloud traverse actuellement son propre type de révolution industrielle, il semblait donc approprié…
Chinese translation of a SiliconANGLE Article by Jason English 雲原生生態系統目前正在經歷自己的工業革命,因此雲原生計算基金會本周在底特律舉辦了重磅的開源 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 北美 2022 活動似乎很合適,底特律是世界上第一條汽車裝配線一個多世紀前就開始了。 就像汽車行業後來通過允許在通用平台上構建不同的模型來完善其供應鏈一樣,成功交付工業級雲原生應用程序的企業正在通過平台戰略來緩解 DevSecOps 團隊採用 Kubernetes 的限制。 以平台為中心的思維 如果說今年有一個大收穫,那就是雲原生服裝平台範式的重新出現。 通過這種模式,曾經依靠自學和試錯方法來構建自己的微服務架構的分散式個人、操作員和開發團隊應該轉而依賴一個專家平台團隊,該團隊可以輕鬆打包經過批准的「黃金狀態」環境為他們提供 Kubernetes…
By Veronica Haggar Smart Scaler is getting a lot of attention from cloud teams in large enterprise customers. Smart Scaler not only reduces costs but…
Outsystems webinar featuring Barry Goffe, Hans van Grieken, & Jason Bloomberg As the market demands more and faster innovation, cloud-native platforms are becoming the centerpiece…
BrainBlog for OutSystems by Jason Bloomberg Enterprises have been focusing on digital transformation for several years now – long enough to realize that such change…
White paper for Fiorano by Jason Bloomberg Read this whitepaper to learn: Why Fiorano has always been ahead of its time How Fiorano’s peer-to-peer approach…
Turkish translation of a SiliconANGLE article by Jason Bloomberg Robotik süreç otomasyonu lideri UiPath Inc.’in son birkaç yılda gösterdiği hızlı büyüme göz önüne alındığında, küçük…