Let’s play a game. Here’s how it works. I’m running the game in a room full of hundreds or even thousands of people, all of…
By Macon Adams These are some of the media stories that may have effected JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s ranking: Analyst Jason Bloomberg Calls Ripple A…
By 0x notícias blockchain De acordo com o comunicado de imprensa do Centro para o Cumprimento da Lei da Europa do Sudeste, a Bulgária vai…
By بلوكشيني الأخبار هناك نوعان أساسيان من الناس في عالم العملات المشفرة اليوم: المحتالين وترميزهم. لا المخادع؟ حسنا ، إذن ، أنت علامة. رعاية الإعلان…
By 0x notizie blockchain Ci sono fondamentalmente due tipi di persone nel mondo delle criptovalute oggi: truffatori e il loro markup. Non un truffatore? Ok,…
There are basically two kinds of people in the crypto world today: scammers and their marks. Not a scammer? Well, then, you’re a mark. If…
By chungo Jason Bloomberg, a celebrated contributor to Forbes Magazine, wrote an article titled Seven Lies Bitcoin Fans Tell Themselves (And Anyone Else Who Will…
By Abdel Bulle spéculative ou non, le plus grand défi auquel sont confrontés Bitcoin, les crypto-monnaies en général, et le monde plus vaste de la…
几周前,Bitwise资产管理公司发布了一份报告,该报告得出的结论是,领先交易所95%的加密货币交易都是假的(参见麻省理工学院技术评测文章或华尔街日报的文章摘要结果)。 我想问一下这个问题:为什么加密货币交易所想要产生虚假交易? 交易所希望用户和投资者认为他们的业务正在蓬勃发展。没有一个交易所希望人们意识到加密货币交易的数量远远超过炒作会让你相信的。 交易所希望增加矿机的收入。假交易(例如,一方自行交易)仍然算作矿机的交易。把未加工的加密货币想象成一家银行,只有前面没有安保人员。矿机可以用代币跑掉什么?你明白了:假交易。 交易所希望支持加密货币去中心化的虚构,或者权力下放是切实可行的。实际上… 阅读全文:https://0xzx.com/20190510051464508.html(来自0x资讯) Read the entire article here.
A few weeks ago, Bitwise Asset Management released a report that concluded that as much of 95% of the crypto trades at leading exchanges are fake…