By Redazione LineaEDP Come riferito in una nota ufficiale da Jason Bloomberg, presidente della società di analisi Intellyx: «La piattaforma API basata sui microservizi di OpenLegacy offre…
By “La plataforma de API basadas en microservicios de OpenLegacy proporciona más que una fachada, ya que los desarrolladores pueden trabajar directamente con los…
By Insurance News Net “Reducing technical debt inherent in mainframe applications is essential for any organization looking to incorporate mainframe applications into their CI/CD pipelines,”…
By Jason English The first time I heard about the emergent PagerDuty a few years ago, I wondered: Is another notification layer between information technology service management…
By Newswire “OpenLegacy’s microservices-based API platform provides more than a façade, as developers can work directly with the microservices in Compuware Topaz,” said Jason Bloomberg, president…
By Compuware Citação de Jason Bloomberg: “A plataforma de API baseada em microsserviços do OpenLegacy oferece mais do que uma fachada, pois os desenvolvedores podem…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief As companies scale up their DevOps CI/CD efforts, especially in the context of cloud-native application development, drift soon becomes a…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Spinnaker is an open source, multicloud continuous delivery platform that Netflix originally developed for its web scale, cloud-native environment. Yet…
The venerable mainframe computer is experiencing a surprising but well-deserved resurgence, as the organizations that depend on these systems realize how important they are for…
By Outlook Series “Reducing technical debt inherent in mainframe applications is essential for any organization looking to incorporate mainframe applications into their CI/CD pipelines,” said…