How did Watchful Health Insurance increase revenue without adding new customers or providers – while improving patient care? Health insurance in many regions is uncertain…
It's too soon to tell if enterprises — industrial age or otherwise — can, in fact, pivot. To have a chance, however, they must understand…
By Simone Garagnani Il linguaggio della digitalizzazione dunque è una forma di espressione mutevole, fluida e sinergica, che si articola su più livelli per coniugare il…
As digital transformation efforts drive change across the enterprise, the mainframe team finds itself at an inflection point. For organizations that have mainframes, these platforms…
By Neil McEvoy Recently, two authors on Forbes – Jason Bloomberg and Joe McKindrick – asked the same question: has the promise of digital transformation delivered, or has it failed…
When it comes to technology, I’m an optimistic fellow. Not only do I believe the ongoing innovation in tech is inexorable, I’d go so far…
By BP Logix “BP Logix’s Process Director 5.0 sits at the intersection of two emerging trends that are essential to the digital transformation of the…
By SAOWEN 翻译/丁硕瑞 杰森·布鲁姆伯格(Jason Bloomberg)是一位IT业界领先的行业分析师、《福布斯》撰稿人、主讲人,以及全球公认的企业技术和数字化转型领域的专家,Agile Digital Transformation analyst公司的创始人及总裁。在Onalytica的《2018年最具数字转型影响力人物》榜单上名列第5位;在Jax的《Jax’s最具影响力人物榜单》(DevOps)中名列第15位。杰森·布鲁姆伯格独自着写及与他人合著了四本著作,包括《敏捷架构革命》(the Agile Architecture Revolution, Wiley, 2013)。他的下一本书《敏捷数字转型》将于明年出版。 “人们不想买四分之一英寸的钻头,他们想要四分之一英寸的钻孔。”这是1974年来自哈佛商学院的教授西奥多·莱维特,在其名为《市场为商业发展》一书中提出的。 这句话已经深入人心。《创新者的困境》的作者,克莱顿·克里斯坦森在他2016年出版的《克莱顿·M·克里斯坦森的读者》一书中引用了莱维特的这句话。 Read the entire article at
I joined Forbes as a contributor in June 2014, covering the relatively new topic of digital transformation. Now four years and over 230 articles later,…
The secret to our survival as both companies and individuals may, in fact, be to rediscover and unleash our most natural and most underused ability:…