ServiceNow’s new CEO, John Donahoe, provided a master class in how tech company CEOs should be talking about real-world digital transformation It seems that every…
It is a time of disruption. New organizations using new technologies are arising daily to threaten long-standing industries. But old or new, every organization is…
By OutSystems Learn from the pros and join your peers from around the world as we go deep with three information-packed webinars this September. No…
Digital transformation. Digital strategy. Digital leadership. Digital enterprise. Digital customer journey. It seems the list of things that have gone digital is unending and remarkably…
By WIRED Brand Lab Keys to success The universal serial bus on PCs and (until recently) Macs is standardized so that pretty much any device can…
By Anthea Strezze 3 Telltale Signs it’s a Real Digital Transformation Network World | Charles Araujo shares his frustration regarding empty “digital transformation” that’s presented as…
It’s easy to get caught up in the hype surrounding digital transformation and lose your way. These three indicators can help you stay on the…
The contrast between traditional legacy integration and modern API-based approaches is profound – especially when comparing the respective time to value In the race to…
By Data Atman Market 极限不存在:Episode 33,Butch Rovan 当你购买像iPhone这样的高科技设备时,你就会意识到在软件中的价值很大,你预计会同意少数最终用户许可协议(EULAs),以便使用它的应用。 毕竟,那些应用的创造者已经花费了数不清的数百万美元和个人小时创造了它们。他们理应保护自己的知识产权。 智能手机,OK–,但是那拖拉机呢?约翰·迪尔目前处于热水中,为维持农民修复自己的装备,使农民签署EULA,以便使用农场设备(EULA)。 Read the entire article at
When you buy a high-tech device like an iPhone, you realize much of the value is in the software, and you expect to agree to…