An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief
The founders of ClaySys recognized a problem in enterprise IT organizations: they spend the vast majority of their time and resources simply upgrading the existing enterprise application stack. And as soon as an organization finishes a round of upgrades, there’s another set of upgrades waiting for them. And around and around they go. ClaySys’s founders knew there was a better way.
The company developed its NoCode application platform to help its customers get off this merry-go-round. Its platform is interesting in two respects. First, it is built to offer simplicity and scalability simultaneously. The company claims that it developed the platform to meet the needs of both the ‘citizen developer’ and enterprise application teams using it to develop full-scope enterprise applications.
The second interesting aspect of the platform is also what enables it to achieve this broad extensibility and deliver on the company’s promise of upgrade-ease: its metadata architecture. Rather than generating code, like many NoCode platforms, the company’s platform abstracts the business logic and data from the underlying architecture.
This abstraction enables backward compatibility and high levels of scalability at an architectural level. The company believes that through the power of its metadata-based architecture, it has created a platform that will enable organizations to re-envision their application stack and get off the upgrade merry-go-round once and for all.
Copyright © Intellyx LLC. Intellyx publishes the Agile Digital Transformation Roadmap poster, advises companies on their digital transformation initiatives, and helps vendors communicate their agility stories. As of the time of writing, none of the organizations mentioned in this article are Intellyx customers. To be considered for a Brain Candy article, email us at