ITSM and the New World of IT: A Fireside Chat
Charles Araujo, Intellyx
The world of IT has changed, is still changing and doesn’t show any signs of letting up. But this constant transformation is bigger than just IT as the very nature of organizations and how they use technology is changing before our eyes.
This has led even the most ardent service management proponents to question the relevance of ITSM and even IT itself in this time of fundamental change. In this unique “fireside chat,” best-selling author, industry analyst and contributor Charles Araujo will share stories of our journey to this point, the impact of emerging technologies and management approaches on the IT function and ITSM profession, and how to successfully take yourself and your organization into this uncharted (but also unbridled) future.
Presentation at itSMF Fusion 18
Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch
St. Louis MO
September 30 – October 3, 2018
Click here for more information and to register.