Avi Networks: Software-Defined Load Balancer for Data Center, Hybrid IT, or Container Clusters

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Traditional hardware load balancers are physical network devices that direct incoming traffic to multiple endpoints in the corporate data center. As a result, they are inflexible and work only on-premises.

Avi Networks offers a new class of software-defined load balancer. Avi separates the load balancer control plane (centralized management) from the data plane (lightweight software load balancers that can go wherever applications reside).

As a result, Avi can replace existing hardware load balancers in data centers or provide load balancing across multiple clouds in a hybrid IT environment.

In addition, Avi offers a service mesh controller that provides load balancing for Kubernetes container clusters. As service mesh technology matures, this capability is likely to be the most important of the three for Avi.

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