White Paper: Modernizing your Content Infrastructure to Digitize Your Business

The modern, cloud-first approach to manage enterprise content goes well beyond the document-centric technologies that still plague many organizations.

Today, people want to create engagement, consume information, and add value to content-centric processes independent of the content’s format or physical location – especially as the volume of content across today’s enterprises continues to explode.

Moving enterprise content management technology to the cloud is an important enabler of this vision of ‘modern content’.  Cloud-first strategies enable organizations to take advantage of the agility, scalability, and resilience of the cloud.

However, today’s enterprise IT context goes beyond the cloud to hybrid IT:  combining cloud and on-premises services to better meet customer needs now and into the future.

With modern content services platforms that provide content-focused services, repositories, APIs, solutions, and business processing tools to support digital business and transformation like ASG Mobius®, enterprises can implement hybrid IT-centric strategies that empower people both within and outside the organization.

Download the white paper at https://www.asg.com/en/Resources/Whitepapers-Brochures-More.aspx.

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