DevOps Versus ITIL: How to Win the Battle Over Change Management

By Jason Bloomberg

Ever since DevOps came on the scene a decade ago, ITIL has been under siege.

ITIL lays out a number of IT service management (ITSM) best practices, including release management, change management, incident management, problem management and many other aspects of running an IT shop so that its priorities align with the business’s. For many enterprises, ITIL is essential for governance and regulatory compliance–especially in heavily regulated industries.

The basic idea of DevOps is that by leveraging better automation technology across the software lifecycle, it’s possible to rework the culture and organization of all the teams involved in software production and deployment. By breaking down the numerous silos and fostering greater collaboration, it should be possible to dramatically accelerate the ability to deploy quality software at scale.

From the DevOps perspective, ITIL is nothing but a set of speed bumps and roadblocks, getting in the way of its continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) priorities.

DevOps wants to speed up software release cycles, while change management often slows them down. Does this dichotomy mean that enterprises have to choose one or the other? Or perhaps we have to water down one of these approaches sufficiently so it’s marginally compatible with the other one?

Read the entire article here.

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