A Danger of Quantum Computing

By Ethan Griffee

Thus, many smart people do not laugh off the problem, especially people within the IT or crypto community. In fact, the US intelligence community listed adversaries using quantum computing decryption as an emerging threat. Countries have already allegedly begun storing encrypted data with the intent to decrypt it when they have access to a quantum computer that can perform the task. In fact, to combat this, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology has been attempting to try and standardize a quantum-proof encryption system. IT industry expert Jason Bloomberg predicts that the development of quantum computers that would be able to break RSA would “disrupt the economy as well as the balance of power across nation states.” He fear-mongers over how much damage Russia was able to do without having quantum computers, and how disastrous it could be if Russia, who is one of the leaders in quantum computing, arrives at this technology before the USA.

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