How Does Low-Code Fit Into the Cloud-Native World?

DZone article by Jason Bloomberg

Unlike analysts at the large firms, who have to specialize in narrow market segments to avoid stepping on each other’s toes, we at Intellyx have the luxury of covering cross-cutting topics that align with business needs.

One of our tools in trade: looking closely at how two different markets interrelate and thus provide business value. In today’s Cortex, I’ll consider the relationship between low-code and cloud-native computing.

Defining the Terms

Low-code tools simplify and accelerate the work of professional developers by providing a visual model-based environment for creating applications. Low-code frees developers from most of the burden of hand-coding integrations, security capabilities, and other ‘plumbing’ code so they can focus on higher-value tasks centering on business needs.

Cloud-native computing extends the best practices of the cloud to all of enterprise IT, including horizontal scalability, elasticity, subscription-based delivery models, and more. Hybrid IT, edge computing, zero-trust security, and DevOps are all part of the cloud-native computing story.

Today, Kubernetes is in the eye of the cloud-native computing storm, as containers and microservices have been driving much of the innovation. Be that as it may, cloud-native is much broader than Kubernetes, covering the full gamut of environments from traditional on-premises to virtualized to serverless.

Finally, we define microservices as cohesive, parsimonious units of executionCohesive means that each microservice does one thing and does it well. Parsimonious refers to the fact that microservices should be as small as practical but no smaller. And unit of execution refers to the fact that microservices consist of modular, executable chunks of code that interact with other microservices (and anything else) via APIs.

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