Mitigate the Cost and Risk of Developing on Open Source Software

Parasoft Mitigate Risk Open SourceThe star performer in many enterprise IT shops is open source. Twenty years ago, who could have predicted the billions of dollars in value generated by contributions to Linux and the Apache Foundation alone, much less the ecosystem of projects that have grown up into mature software products around it?

Open source software is a beautiful thing. Practically free, transparently brought into the world, and hardened by concerned communities of developers. But developing your own business software on top of open source is not all “Kum-ba-ya” and sunshine. This free software isn’t entirely free or without risk.

Get ready for a show, because open source development can come with some drama attached.

Companies embarking on critical business projects that utilize open source need to weigh the hidden costs, quality risks, and challenges of working with this now mature, but entirely unique class of software.

Behind the Scenes: Cost or Quality Motivation?

The market has spoken. More than 98% of developers now say they use open source software in their job. Many enterprises are following this demand, making a strategic decision to leverage open source frameworks and tools for development and testing efforts, wherever they make sense.

Open source software is no longer solely the domain of hardcore DIY development. By contrast, many open source DevTest tools have usability that approaches commercial quality…

Read the entire story on the Parasoft blog here:

© 2020 Intellyx, LLC. Intellyx retains editorial control over the content of this document. At the time of writing, Parasoft is an Intellyx customer. None of the other vendors mentioned here are Intellyx clients. Image source: Parasoft.



Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug