Robotic process automation: A cheat sheet

By Brandon Vigliarolo

Writing for Forbes, analyst Jason Bloomberg warns that businesses should think twice before implementing RPA due to the fragile nature of RPA bots that can stop working for very slight reasons.

The problems, he points out, are even worse when dealing with legacy software that lacks APIs. With an API, an RPA bot can be configured to learn from interface changes and work with the app’s back end to overcome GUI limitations. Eliminate the API, and you’re stuck with relying completely on an app’s GUI to remain unchanged.

Bloomberg’s sentiment is echoed by Sanjay Srivasta, chief digital officer at digital transformation strategy firm Genpact. Most RPA implementations fail, Srivasta said, because companies don’t think of RPA as one part of a larger strategy, instead looking at it like a fire-and-forget tool, which it isn’t.

Read the entire article here.