VirtualZ Computing: Reducing Mainframe Software License Costs On-Premises or in the Cloud

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

VirtualZ Computing stands out in today’s enterprise software marketplace simply because it is the only mainframe-centric startup to hit the market in almost a decade.

Given the paucity of new competition, VirtualZ has the luxury of targeting some very ripe low-hanging fruit: the excess licensing costs mainframe customers pay when they run the same software application on multiple mainframes.

VirtualZ has a straightforward solution: redirect requests directed toward applications on certain mainframes to a single instance of that application on one mainframe, thus enabling their customer to serve such requests with a single application license, instead of multiple ones. VirtualZ even works in mainframe clouds.

Today, VirtualZ is targeting batch applications that are not data intensive for now, but expect it to expand its scope as its technology matures.

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