EMS 2.0 – What is Digital Transformation in Electronics Manufacturing?

By Eric Miscoll

But what are we really talking about when we use terms like digitize, digitalize, and digital transformation? A Forbes article on the topic brought some clarity for us.  Turns out there is a big difference between the three terms. According to Jason Bloomberg, digitization is when you take all your old VHS tapes and put them on a jump drive to share with the kids. A simple change of how information is stored, from one media to another, analog to digital.

The definition of digitalization is murkier. Bloomberg explains at length, but it boils down to taking a business process online. It involves changes to the way people work in a business, but the business model itself doesn’t change. So an example would be working from home during the pandemic. Or using a CNC lathe instead of a manual one.

Read the entire article here.