SingleStore: One-stop-shop for data-intensive application workloads

SingleStore Intellyx BC logo rep memsqlAn Intellyx BrainCandy Update

When we last visited with SingleStore on the show floor of AWS re:Invent 2019 under their previous monicker MemSQL, we could have predicted little about our fates over the next 20 months — other than that the need to manage, store and leverage data would continue to exponentially increase in intensity as applications moved toward cloud-native delivery approaches.

Fresh off that rebranding and a major valuation boost over the 2020 holiday season, SingleStore is carving out its own niche with a data-intensive relational SQL database platform designed to be highly performant and scalable for both transactional (OLTP) and analytics (OLAP) application workloads in cloud and hybrid IT infrastructures.

The ideal customers for a data-intensive solution would likely be experiencing latency and integration constraints for extremely high query volumes that currently span multiple types of databases in multiple data centers, cloud data lakes and data warehouses. 

One example showed a company with Redis, Spark, Elastic and 11 more data sources being overlaid by SingleStore and gradually incorporated into one hybrid data control environment, while the data stores themselves could retain gravity in their private or public cloud infra of origin, if that is advantageous.

There’s also some secret sauce under the covers here with a patented ‘generic datatypes’ core architecture, cost optimization and suspend/resume features, and plenty of impressive speeds and feeds to claim such as analyzing a trillion rows a second, which I am not equipped to verify from this home office I’ve inhabited for the last 20 months.

© 2021 Intellyx. At the time of writing, SingleStore (formerly MemSQL) is a sponsor of the Intellyx Cloud-Native Computing poster. None of the other vendors mentioned here are Intellyx clients. Want to see more BrainCandy? Subscribe today. If you are a vendor seeking coverage from Intellyx, please contact us at


Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug