ABBYY: Adding AI-based Cognitive ‘Skills’ to Document-Centric Processes

An Intellyx Brain Candy Update

When we last covered ABBYY in June 2020, its story centered on combining content and process management together into an approach to content-centric process management it dubbed ‘digital intelligence.’

With its newest release, ABBYY is adding AI capabilities to its digital intelligence platform in the form of ‘skills.’

A skill is a trained machine learning model for a particular type of document. For example, the invoice skill not only recognizes invoices and enables the platform to recognize components of an invoice, but it also gets smarter over time as it learns the quirks of each organization’s invoices.

Many robotic process automation (RPA) vendors say they have the same capabilities that skills bring to the table, but they often fall short when faced with the variety of differences among invoices or other document types.

As a result, many RPA vendors are beating a path to ABBYY’s door looking for partnerships to fill this gap.

Copyright © Intellyx LLC. Intellyx publishes the Cloud-Native Computing poster, advises companies on their digital transformation initiatives, and helps vendors communicate their agility stories. ABBYY is an Intellyx customer. To be considered for a Brain Candy article, email us at