Sysdig Update: Scaling cloud-native security & compliance 

Sysdig Intellyx BC logoAn Intellyx Brain Candy Update

We last covered Sysdig in November 2020, when they were evangelizing zero-trust security practices within the DevOps lifeycle using the open-source Falco cloud-native threat detection engine as an underpinning.

Traditionally, CISOs and their CXO colleagues wouldn’t reconsider their existing security tool chain composition until it’s already too late, and a major production breach has already occurred. 

But for enterprises moving forward with cloud-native development, the presence of so many as-yet-unknown threats to today’s profligate container-based infrastructures means that risk and compliance will drive adoption. Verifiable coverage of code, components and configuration is essential in informing that next SOC2 exercise or PCI banking audit. 

Sysdig also demonstrated a new management console with visualization to make it easier for users to conduct real-time threat detection and analysis across the thousands of ephemeral nodes they may be responsible for securing in cloud-native environments.

Copyright ©2021 Intellyx LLC. Intellyx publishes the Cloud-Native Computing poster, advises companies on their digital transformation initiatives, and helps vendors communicate their agility stories. As of the time of writing, Sysdig is a former Intellyx customer. To be considered for a Brain Candy article, email us at


Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug