Model9: Defying gravity to lift big iron into clouds

Model9 logo Intellyx BCAn Intellyx Brain Candy Update

Cloud data management vendor Model9 has found a unique seam in the market since our last briefing with them in 2021 by providing secure and flexible ways to make the modern mainframe a first-class cloud citizen.

Enterprises are increasingly concerned about the resiliency of software supply chains against ransomware and data corruption. Since the mainframe is still the beating heart of most established companies, its proprietary storage has long been kept cordoned off from much of the change inherent in distributed environments.

Model9 offers security and backup products to allay the CIO’s risk concerns about integrating mainframes to public clouds.

Now they have developed a fast data transformation and migration solution (Gravity) that lets mainframe data flow to many cloud data warehouses and on-prem data stores – not just for disaster recovery, but to power innovative high-volume data use cases such as advanced AI/ML workloads and clinical trials. 

At the latest re:Invent conference, Model9 announced its technology is being used within the AWS Mainframe Modernization stack, so mainframe developers can directly write to cloud storage and run inference and query workloads using elastic cloud resources.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug