We lately hear the term ‘hybrid cloud’ associated with migrating SaaS apps or mobile apps, and their related storage needs, into multiple flavors of public…
The last decade has seen enormous transformation in the IT operations, or ‘ops’ world. Increasing levels of automation have shifted the day-to-day work of ops…
Intellyx BrainBlog in OverOps Blog by Jason “JE” English November 7, 1940. When the first Tacoma Narrows Bridge was completed in summer and opened for traffic,…
Intellyx BrainBlog for Outsystems by Jason Bloomberg Since the first computerized enterprises replaced their aging vacuum tube systems with newfangled solid-state technology, modernization has been…
In 2002, I wrote an article entitled Web Services Idées Fortes — idées fortes meaning powerful ideas. The three powerful ideas: asynchrony, loose coupling, and…
By Jason English The overture to business reality is ending for SD-WAN solutions. Now a company’s entire network, security and software operating environment is deployed in…
For many years, legacy modernization was a black or white affair: either rip out all the old technology and start afresh or make do with…
By Straight Talk This article is by Featured Blogger Jason Bloomberg from his blog Intellyx. Republished with the author’s permission. When you cut through all the noise, hype, and…
By Jason Bloomberg The following post first appeared on the Intellyx Brain Blog. The world of IT operations has changed dramatically in the last decade. In…
Article in CISOMAG by Jason Bloomberg, President, Intellyx Nothing personal, but your cloud utilization sucks. Of course, so does everyone else’s. Trying to manually select the…