An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Data science is rapidly becoming a primary driver of competitive advantage for organizations. As a result, enterprises are hiring more…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Numerous vendors are touting artificial intelligence-driven enterprise search and knowledge management today. In many ways, the various offerings are quite…
Artificial intelligence is everywhere in the media, but enterprise leaders must look past the hype and understand how to apply it to create real business…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief What would happen if an organization could parse its operational logs in real-time to identify issues and errors that might…
By WIRED The other factor at play is that disruptors often cross international boundaries and, because they use new methods of distribution, aren’t subject to laws…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Watching movies and reading all the hype you might think that artificial intelligence (AI) just happens. Write a bit of…
As today’s digital disruptions bounce and smash their way through conventional technologies and conventional wisdom alike, predicting their path is a multifaceted challenge. So many…
By Zhang Ting 《富比世》(Forbes)評論專員 Jason Bloomberg 於 7 月 2 日指出,Watson 在 2011 年贏得智力競賽節目《危險邊緣》(Jeopardy!)時,博得世人的無盡讚譽;可是時至今日,IBM 只持續地做有限的改進,而不是推出大幅改進的「Watson 2.0」,IBM 正將它聲稱在 AI 領域擁有的領導地位,拱手讓給一批極其創新的公司。 Read the entire article at
By 36 krypton Watson已經和世界各地的不少知名醫院進行合作,在中國也進入了21家三甲醫院的診療系統。表面上看來,Watson在未來的醫療領域大有可為,但是在最近一年中,我們聽到了更多不同的聲音。 在去年,IBM Watson和休斯敦安德森癌症研究中心(MD Anderson Cancer Center)分道揚鑣,IBM股價受到影響;在今年的7月2日,《富比士》評論員Jason Bloomberg更是發文質疑IBM Watson是否「是個笑話」。 Read the entire article at
At Intellyx we gravitate toward disruption, and the burgeoning Low-Code/No-Code space has sucked us in like a black hole. We’ve spoken with numerous vendors in…