In the decades since Alan Turing proposed his Imitation Game – the ‘Turing Test’ for artificial intelligence (AI) – people have been confused over the…
Artificial intelligence (AI), in its various forms, is already having a significant impact within the enterprise, particularly for specific use cases. That success has led…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Bizagi isn’t interested in building app builders, nor selling software that fits into a particular technology category. While their offering…
Artificial intelligence is everywhere in the media, but enterprise leaders must look past the hype and understand how to apply it to create real business…
A significant risk burdens almost every major organization in the world. Despite repeated efforts, they have been unable to conquer this resilient foe: tribal knowledge.…
Intellyx Whitepaper for Maana by Jason Bloomberg Innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) allow companies to enhance acquisition, retention, and application of the knowledge of people…
We’ve seen many buzzwordy innovations in technology over the last decade, from cloud computing to big data to microservices and beyond – but artificial intelligence…