By Olivia Capozzalo Além de ocasionais comentários anti-cripto de Warren Buffett e Bill Gates, um dos pessimistas mais consistentes e vocais da indústria de criptomoedas é o analista do setor de…
By Olivia Capozzalo Aparte de los comentarios anti criptos ocasionales por gente como Warren Buffett yBill Gates, uno de los detractores más constantes y vocales de la industria…
By cici 除了 Warren Buffett和Bill Gates等人偶尔发表反加密货币的评论之外,对加密行业最持久和最直接的反对者要属IT分析师Jason Bloomberg了。 Bloomberg是一位出版作家,福布斯撰稿人兼Intellyx公司总裁,Intellyx是一家帮助企业将新技术开发和趋势整合到其商业模式中的公司。 Bloomberg投入了大量的时间参加与加密和区块链有关的会议和活动,与行业领导者进行对话和辩论。但是,他却公开反对加密,更准确地说他是反对去中心化的、无许可的加密货币 – 反对比特币(BTC)白皮书中规定的真正去中心化的,点对点互动的原始梦想。 上个月,在美国拉斯维加斯的BlockShow中,Cointelegraph与Bloomberg谈论了他为什么要“关闭”去中心化的加密货币,他回答说:他意识到了与加密货币犯罪相关的威胁,这也是他要参加像BlockShow这样的区块链行业活动的原因。 Read the entire article at
By Olivia Capozzalo Aside from occasional blisteringly anti-crypto commentary from the likes of Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, one of the crypto industry’s most consistent and vocal naysayers…
The ‘revolutionary,’ ‘change the world’ promise of decentralized, permissionless blockchain solutions (including most cryptocurrencies) may be descending into a quagmire of get-rich-quick schemes, scams, and…
Jason Bloomberg presenting at BlockShow Americas, August 2018 From ‘it’s OK that some miners are criminals because criminals also use fiat’ to ‘there will be…
By thefintechtimes Forbes’ Jason Bloomberg echoing Roubini cautioned, “The Liberatarian ideal of cryptocurrency, where if we had no government we’d be free to do whatever…
Interview at BlockShow Americas 2018 BlockShow interview with Jason Bloomberg @TheEbizWizard, leading IT industry analyst, Forbes contributor, Top 5 Digital Transformation Influencer, and crypto-sceptic, on…
Panel at BlockShow Americas, August 2018 Moderator: Mike Butcher – Editor-At-Large at TechCrunch, Awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list 2016 Panelists: Alex…
By Eft As this year’s report makes abundantly clear, a lot is changing in the modern logistics industry. This change – and the increasing rate…