An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Rezonate discovers human and machine identities and privileges across all clouds and SaaS applications. It then profiles identity risks in…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Britive offers an access management and policy enforcement platform that provides consistent access management across all public clouds. The platform…
… I’ve looked at clouds from both sides nowFrom up and down and still somehowIt’s cloud illusions I recallI really don’t know clouds at…
BrainBlog for Morpheus Data by Jason Bloomberg The common theme across the first generation of cloud management platforms (CMPs) was command and control. The cloud operations…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief DuploCloud enables developers and DevOps engineers to provision and deploy applications consisting of cloud services workflows and Kubernetes-based microservices. DuploCloud’s…
Chinese translation of a SiliconANGLE article by Jason Bloomberg 亞馬遜網絡服務公司 (Amazon Web Services Inc.) 本週在拉斯維加斯舉行的大流行後大規模 re:Invent 大會吸引了大批人潮湧入。 與之前的展會一樣,AWS 也沒有讓人失望,其新產品、改進產品、服務和功能的清單一目了然。 就其規模的公司而言,AWS 繼續出色地推動創新踏板。 儘管如此,最有趣的創新故事還是散佈在威尼斯人會展中心寬敞的大廳中展示其產品的 350 多家參展商中。 我花了…
Turkish translation of a SiliconANGLE article by Jason Bloomberg Amazon Web Services Inc.’in bu hafta Las Vegas’ta düzenlenen pandemi sonrası devasa re:Invent konferansına büyük kalabalıklar…
SiliconAngle article by Jason Bloomberg Massive throngs turned out for Amazon Web Services Inc.’s massive post-pandemic re:Invent conference in Las Vegas this week. As with…
BrainBlog for Kasten by Jason Bloomberg Moving an application from one place to another sounds simple: zip it up, ship it over and unzip it.…
Intelligent Automation, Microservices & APIs, iPaaS, APM, Kubernetes, Hybrid Integration, Cloud Security, Cloud-Native Title: Cloud Architecture Summit Speakers: Okta, ScienceLogic, Software AG, Uptycs, WSO2 Date:…