Charles Araujo, Principal Analyst at Intellyx, and Scott Menter, Vice President of Business Solutions at BP Logix, discuss how digital journeys change the way applications…
Digital transformation is about more than technology — it’s about delighting your customer during every stage of their journey with you. Even when they leave.…
Our fellow pundits love broad proclamations like ‘software is eating the world’ or ‘every company is becoming a software company.’ For those tech-savvy enterprises that…
Few technologies are more despised than interactive voice response (IVR). It doesn’t help that big companies have largely replaced the dreaded ‘press one for sales’…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief The team at Softvision believes that digital transformation is about creating impactful digital experiences and curating digital journeys for your…
At Intellyx, we often talk about the transition from the Industrial Era to the Digital Era, but other than the transformation of the technology itself,…
L’esperienza del cliente rappresenta un aspetto centrale per il marketing: è il percorso compiuto da un anonimo visitatore (online o in un luogo fisico) che…
A central facet of digital marketing is the customer journey. This journey takes an anonymous visitor (either online or in a physical location) to becoming…