An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief As digital transformation first began to take root, many organizations saw it as all about only two things: marketing and…
By Mary Beth McCabe Educating tomorrow’s mobile marketing and social media learners about digital transformation, Jason Bloomberg discusses the complex structure of Marketing in business and…
Webinar with CA Technologies Do you struggle to keep all parts of your team developing at the same rate? Attend this webinar to learn the…
By Amy Groden-Morrison But there’s evidence that IT and other market forces are trying to hold back no-code, low-code development tools, according to an article in Forbes by…
By Fernanda Spagnuolo “Com esse lançamento, a OutSystems está trazendo a facilidade de uso e a simplicidade de modelos já estabelecidos e de temas para as…
By Aaron Evans In a review of the leading “low code” platforms David Ramel explains we need them “to meet the insatiable demand for apps amid…
Translated by Capgemini 事實上,速度——也就是專家所說的超大移動帶寬——只是5G的三大優勢之一而已。其他優勢還包括:大規模機器類通信,支持智能城市等應用;關鍵性機器類通信,必須支持實時交互,例如自動駕駛汽車和工廠設備控制。 速度對於快速下載大型文件、訪問視頻等富流媒體內容非常有利,但對於很多物聯網應用而言,低延遲更加重要,這屬於另外一種優勢。 例如,現在通過4G網絡發出請求可能需要幾十毫秒才能得到響應,而使用5G網絡,響應時間應該在三毫秒以下,甚至僅為一毫秒。 如果自動駕駛汽車需要等待來自雲的指令,這短短几毫秒可能關係到乘車者的生死。諾基亞貝爾實驗室的固定網絡研究實驗室主管Peter Vetter表示:“4G和5G之間的差異非常明顯。” Read the entire article at
By Satu News Analis Agile Digital Transformation dari Intellyx mengatakan dengan rilis ini, OutSystems membawa kemudahan dalam penggunaan, kesederhanaan template serta tema untuk tim pengembang…
By afomikami “Dengan rilis ini, OutSystems membawa kemudahan dalam penggunaan, kesederhanaan template serta tema untuk tim pengembang perusahaan,” kata Jason Bloomberg, analis Agile Digital Transformation dari…
By IT Insight O recurso Modelos de Aplicações (App Templates) é a resposta à rapidez. Cada modelo de aplicação inclui uma combinação de ecrãs pré-concebidos…