We Will Take You By The Hand to Show Exactly How Anyone can use AWS Services like EMR, GLUE, Athena, Redshift and Sagemaker to Deliver…
By WaveMaker Originally published by Charles Araujo in Intellyx BrainBlog While the primary driver of the low-code movement was to improve enterprise developer productivity and to…
By Ben Linders 在Forbes文章“低代码/无代码运动:比你想的更具有颠覆性”中,Jason Bloomberg介绍了业界对无代码和低代码的差别的认识: 无代码面向的是“公民开发者”,即业务用户,他们可以构建一般来说功能有限的应用,而不必编写一行代码。相比之下,低代码主要是面向专业开发人员,简化他们的工作——交付企业级应用程序,而很少或无需手工编码。 Jason Bloomberg指出,模型驱动方法和人工智能领域的创新将使得低代码和无代码之间的差别消失。他说,这会产生“对公民开发者而言足够简单而对专业开发团队而言足够强大的工具”,软件开发人员的需求量会减少: 如果你是一名喜欢编码的编码人员,并非一切都完了——但是,随着这种趋势的发展,你在企业开发团队中可能就没有位置了。 Read the entire article at http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2018/07/no-code-low-code
By Ben Linders No code approaches aim to support business users in developing and maintaining their own applications, where low code simplifies the developer’s work and makes…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Breakthrough Technologies is a software development consulting firm that has delivered solutions primarily to the assessment, K/12, and non-profit markets…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Compared to many of the startups in the exploding no-code/low-code market, Caspio has been around for longer than most. Since…
Early last year, a Microsoft research project dubbed DeepCoder announced that it had made progress creating AI that could write its own programs. Such a…
As companies proceed with their digital transformations, software becomes increasingly strategic and pervasive – which means they need more of it. Lots more. The demand…
5. Digital transformation “Digital transformation” is another term largely influenced by Gartner’s role in the no-code/low-code industry. Gartner’s glossary identifies digital transformation as “the process…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Kuika is joining the crowded low-code/no-code marketplace with a professional developer and citizen developer-friendly configurable tool. Application creators in either…