Ocean9: SAP-as-a-Service

November 5, 2017 0

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief For all its talk about the cloud, Enterprise Resource Planning leader SAP has struggled to deliver the simplicity, scalability, and…

By Tech Ritual 其他可展示SAP環境中業務自動化功能的資源: 網路廣播:點擊此處觀看《在企業資源計劃主導的世界中實現業務敏捷》(Achieving Business Agility in an ERP-Driven World) 電子書:點擊此處免費閱讀《在企業資源計劃主導的世界中實現業務敏捷》,Intellyx主席Jason Bloomberg著。 點擊此處,獲取更多有關Automic 的SAP持續交付的資訊。 Read the entire article at https://www.techritual.com/2017/08/14/125758/