The Challenge of Self-Service Big Data Big data – data sets so large, moving so rapidly that traditional tools are woefully inadequate – continue to…
What do text processing for call centers, predictive maintenance for field service technicians, and cybersecurity analytics all have in common? The answer: they are all…
Is Paris Hilton a celebrity socialite or a hotel in France? The answer depends upon the context, perhaps from a Web page, magazine article, or…
In spite of the plethora of intelligent, talking computers familiar from the movies, we all realize that our real-world computers – from the most monstrous…
One of the most fascinating aspects of the Agile Architecture drum I’ve been beating for the last few years is how multifaceted the topic is.…
Real-time semantic enterprise application integration – that’s what SmartAlex agent technology from EnterpriseWeb has in store for businesses. With SmartAlex, a component of its EnterpriseWeb…