9 disruptive security plays from RSAC 2019

Bad actors have always had the edge in cybersecurity. After all, the good guys have to secure everything, while the bad guys need find only one vulnerability.

Given the appalling number of breaches over the years, it’s clear that the established crop of cybersecurity products isn’t up to the task of changing this equation and putting the good guys on top.

When I attended this year’s RSA Conference, therefore, I looked for those exceptionally disruptive technologies that promise to turn the tide. Here are my top picks.

AI everywhere

Perhaps the hottest buzzword at RSA was artificial intelligence (AI). It seems every vendor has some AI angle or another, and it’s hard to tell which ones are providing differentiated value and which are simply blowing smoke.

Where AI is beginning to make a difference in the cybersecurity world is in helping to identify malicious behaviors. Bad actors may come in various shapes and sizes, but their goals all conform to a rather short list—steal valuable data, take control of systems, or even cause sabotage.

Several vendors are now leveraging AI to identify such behaviors—or more precisely, to separate them from the normal, day-to-day behaviors that characterize business as usual, and also to differentiate malicious behaviors from benign anomalies that lead to false positives.

Read the entire article at https://techbeacon.com/security/9-disruptive-security-plays-rsac-2019.

Securonix is an Intellyx customer. None of the other companies mentioned in this article are Intellyx customers.