Fluree: Data-Centric Data Platform that Leverages Graph Database and Blockchain Technology

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Most of today’s modern data platforms remain application-centric, playing the role of persistence tier in the now-dated n-tier architectural model.

Fluree breaks this mold by leveraging graph database technology to incorporate data-centric rules, aka ‘smart functions’ at the class level (analogous to tables) or the predicate level (analogous to columns).

This data centricity enables data to defend themselves, implementing security as well as data ownership and control within the data.

Fluree also leverages distributed ledger technology (i.e., permissioned blockchain) to provide immutability of all data. This immutability delivers data provenance, auditability, and the ability to ‘time travel’ back to any past state of the data.

The distributed ledger maintains all state for the platform, freeing the graph database to run fully stateless. As a result, the graph database is lightweight enough to run in Docker containers or even in a browser’s JavaScript runtime.

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