Onehouse: Data Lakehouse with Continuous Data Delivery and Automated Tuning

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

A data lakehouse combines data warehouses’ support for rapid queries with data lakes’ support for ad hoc queries and adds transactions to the mix. Apache Hudi is an open-source data lakehouse project that delivers on this combination of transactionality, speed, and flexibility at scale.

Onehouse built its SaaS-based data lakehouse service offering on Hudi. The company offers a managed services layer that automates otherwise tedious configuration and maintenance chores.

Onehouse’s most interesting capability is how it can tune file sizes, indices, and other configurations on the fly, as well as its incremental ingestion model that works with streaming data sources.

Onehouse supports open formats across a variety of data sources and query engines and can support incremental queries that only apply to changed source data.

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