By XcelTrip Day 2–29 November 2018 (Time: 10:40am to 11:20am) KEYNOTE PANEL: What Does the Future Hold for Blockchain Technology in the Luxury Goods Industry?: Recognizing…
By Derek Little How will your talk be meaningful for Blockchain Expo attendees? “While I write about enterprise blockchain, I’m a well-known skeptic about cryptocurrency…
By BlockShow Jason Bloomberg is a leading IT industry analyst, Forbes contributor, keynote speaker, and globally recognized expert on multiple disruptive trends in enterprise technology and…
By Olivia Capozzalo Crypto vs. fiat in crime OC: It’s just funny because I spoke with Jason Bloomberg recently who also says Bitcoin first became popular for buying…
By Info makes Money !! IT Analyst Jason Bloomberg What I’m Really Saying Is ‘Shut Down Permissionless Blockchains’ !! Click here to view the video.
By 区块链前哨 除了 Warren Buffett 及 Bill Gates 等偶尔发表反对意见之外,整个加密货币行业中最持久也最坚定的反对者之一,当数 IT 行业分析师 Jason Bloomberg 了。 Bloomberg 是一位出版作家、《福布斯》撰稿人兼 Intellyx 公司总裁——该公司专门帮助企业将新兴技术发展与趋势性成果融入其商业模式。Bloomberg 还投入大量时间参加各类与加密货币及区块链相关的会议与活动,直接同行业领导者进行对话与辩论。他的公开立场基本可以定义为反加密货币——或者更准确地说,他反对去中心化、不加限制的加密——特别是比特币白皮书中规定的全面去中心化的、点对点交互的原始理念。很明显,他的批评对象正是早期采用者们最为看重的特性所在。 Read the entire article at
By Timan Wainaina Jason Bloomberg on Why Blockchains Should be ‘Shut Down’ Jason Bloomberg has emerged to be an opinion leader in the cryptocurrency industry. The…
By Владимир Пахолюк джейсон Блумберг— ведущий ИТ-эксперт Forbes, президент аналитической компании Agile Digital Transformation Intellyx и один из главных критиков криптоиндустрии. Блумберг — частый гость на…
By Olivia Capozzalo Além de ocasionais comentários anti-cripto de Warren Buffett e Bill Gates, um dos pessimistas mais consistentes e vocais da indústria de criptomoedas é o analista do setor de…
By Olivia Capozzalo Aparte de los comentarios anti criptos ocasionales por gente como Warren Buffett yBill Gates, uno de los detractores más constantes y vocales de la industria…