By Christoph Bergmann Ein Blogger auf der Forbes nennt die Telegram-ICO daher auch unverblümt Betrug. Telegram habe, scheibt Jason Bloomberg, kein funktionierendes Geschäftsmodell mit der Messanger-App und suche…
By Tyler Durden The reason for the ICO’s popularity, Jason Bloomberg explains, is because Telegram is the preferred means of communication for crypto traders and other members of…
By Somdutta Singh One more downside is because you don’t have to reveal your personal info while transacting, the doubt of fostering suspicious business arises. Lawbreakers…
By Duncan Riley Analyst Jason Bloomberg on Forbes called the ICO a “scam among cryptocurrency scams,” arguing that the fundraising by Telegram is nothing more than an…
Looking for the center of the action in cryptocurrency today? Bitcoin is so passé – the big money is now in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).…
By Business Insider Deutschland Bitcoin-Investoren sehen den Hype zu rosarot, findet Autor und Analyst Jason Bloomberg Der Bitcoin genießt nach wie vor viel Aufmerksamkeit und auf…
By Mariusz Janik Ale jeżeli komuś wydaje się, że tylko upadek bitcoina uratuje świat, to może być w błędzie. Jak liczy Jason Bloomberg, szef firmy Intellyx…
By Paul Gordon This article in that I am excerpting from is attacking the creation of a blockchain called “Red Pill.” The blockchian was developed to give…
By Bade İnanç Yaklaşık bir ay önce Bitcoin Fanlarının Kendilerine Söyledikleri Yedi Yalan adlı makalesiyle yarım milyon insan ulaşan Jason Bloomberg, bu konuda yeni bir yazı yayımladı. İşte Bitcoin…
By Paolo Brambilla Difficile capire che cosa siano le criptovalute per Forbes: è comparso ora un commento a firma Kyle Torpey con il quale si cerca di contrastare le critiche generiche…