Post-Event Perspective in SiliconANGLE Spending a marathon week in Vegas for Amazon Web Services Inc.’s annual re:Invent conference earlier this month provided a nice end cap for the…
An Intellyx BrainCandy Brief Enterprises can select from hundreds of tools for preventing security breaches, from perimeter defense via firewalls and secure network fencing, to…
Hybrid IT refers to a combination of multiple public clouds as well as private clouds, on-premises virtualized infrastructure and legacy or traditional on-premises infrastructure. However,…
By Cynthia Gutowski in NetApp Blog Hybrid cloud. Hybrid multicloud. Hybrid IT. These terms are becoming part of our standard infrastructure lexicon, but what’s the…
Forbes article by Jason Bloomberg translated by 久谦 混合云( Hybrid cloud)、混合IT(Hybrid IT)、多云(Multicloud)、边缘(Edge)、物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)……今年的VMworld大会仿佛是一个由企业IT领域所有热门词汇组成的文字游戏。 撇开外界评论,VMware和其他供应商并不打算玩文字游戏,而更像是要下一盘西洋棋。 VMware和AWS——是朋友,还是“亦敌亦友”? 在2017年的VMworld大会上,Dell旗下的软件公司VMware与Amazon旗下的云服务公司AWS(Amazon Web Services ,即Amazon云计算服务),共同推出基于AWS的VMware公有云服务(VMware Cloud on AWS)。 对VMware这一虚拟化领导者来说,将VMware的本地服务器扩展到云端,而从AWS的角度来看,这似乎也是吸引VMware客户的一个好方法。 在VMware公有云服务推出后一年的时间里,两家公司的合作肯定使它们都大有所获,否则AWS不会继而将其VMware部署扩展到世界各地。…
Modernization has always been expensive and risky. Over the years, as one generation of hardware and software replaced another, IT executives have continued to struggle…
Intellyx Whitepaper for NetApp, by Jason Bloomberg Power end-to-end digital transformation Cloud-native computing delivers a hybrid multicloud experience that breaks down silos to deliver better…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Effective hybrid IT requires comprehensive abstractions that simplify the management of public cloud, private cloud, and on-premises resources. Men and…
The modern, cloud-first approach to manage enterprise content goes well beyond the document-centric technologies that still plague many organizations. Today, people want to create engagement,…
An Intellyx BrainCandy Update Intellyx last covered Stratoscale in November 2016. The company has built a software-defined datacenter management and apps layer that supports the…